Personal Details

Name: HISLOP, James John Henry
Alias: HESLOP, James John Henry
Convict Number(s): 530
Year of Birth: 1824
Date of Death: 23/10/1909
Place of Death: Bunbury, WA
Cause of Death:

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: Pyrenees
Ship Arrival Year: 1851

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 28/06/1851. Expired - 07/01/1856.
Location: Fremantle, WA

Conditional Pardon


Certificate of Freedom


British Details

Relationship Status: Single
Number of Children:
Occupation: Clerk
Place of Conviction: Dover, England.
Details of Crime: Crime Details not advised. Sentenced to 7 years Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Bunbury.
Employment Types: School Teacher, whaler.

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


Additional Information

Teacher/Principal at Bunbury Primary School from 1853-1862. Married Bridget MULQUEEN 06/10/1853 Church of England & 22/10/1853 at Roman Catholic. Marriage No. 2 to Louisa ANDERSON nee BRITTAIN. Son of John & Allison nee LYDELL. Refer Inquirer 2 July 1862 & Police Gazette January 1887. Employed by Joseph BUSWELL ( 3223 ) in 1862 as a Whaler. Refer Summary of James John Henry HISLOP's life by going to our Home Page and select " View Biographies ". This brief biography has been written by Lorna CROSS, great granddaughter of James HISLOP. Lorna is the author of " I'm an Edinburgh Man, the life story of James John Henry HISLOP ( 1824 - 1909 ). Please contact Lorna by email at lornaacross@hotmail.com to purchase a copy of her self-published book..
