Personal Details

Name: HENDERSON, Thomas
Alias: BOWMAN, Martin, DEVINE, Martin, ANDERSON, Thomas
Convict Number(s): 4168
Year of Birth: 1830
Date of Death: 03/10/1888
Place of Death: Perth, WA.
Cause of Death: Heart Disease.

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: Runnymede
Ship Arrival Year: 1856

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 01/08/1860

Conditional Pardon

Date: 12/11/1873
Location: Albany, WA.

Certificate of Freedom


British Details

Relationship Status: Single
Number of Children:
Occupation: Tailor
Literacy: Literate
Religion: Protestant
Place of Conviction: London, England.
Details of Crime: Feloniously Wounding with Intent to Kill. Sentenced to Life Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Albany, Bunbury, Perth.
Employment Types: Tailor, Self Employed 1860, Government Clothier.

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


Burglary, Perth.
3 years.

Additional Information

Known to have assisted in the escape of John Boyle O'REILLY ( 9843 ) in March, 1869, aboard the American Whaler " Gazelle ", subsequently arriving in the U.S.A. Recorded to be in Perth, WA, in 1886. Thanks to Sharon BARBA for her additional Research to assist update this Convict Record. Please also refer to www.convictrecords.com.au/convicts/henderson/thomas/101462 for a complete record of the Convict's History.
