Personal Details

Name: HECHT, Adolphus
Convict Number(s): 8568
Year of Birth: 1844
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Cause of Death:

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: Vimeira
Ship Arrival Year: 1865

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 26/04/1869

Conditional Pardon


Certificate of Freedom

Date: 13/04/1874
Location: Wellington, WA

British Details

Relationship Status: Single
Number of Children: 1
Occupation: Clerk
Literacy: Literate
Religion: Protestant
Place of Conviction: London, England.
Details of Crime: Forgery. Sentenced to 10 years Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Australind, Murray, Parkfield, Wellington, York.
Employment Types: Labourer, Clerk, School Master.

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


Additional Information

Government School Master at Murray in 1870. Appointed School Master at Parkfield Primary School, Australind, WA from 1871-1872. Clerk at York in 1874. Moved to Singapore with Naval Brigade on 18/04/1874. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Refer to Harvey History On LIne Website for Convict Biography by Irma WALTER.
