Personal Details

Name: GREENWOOD, Thomas
Convict Number(s): 6302
Year of Birth: 1842
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Cause of Death:

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: Norwood
Ship Arrival Year: 1862

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 08/10/1863

Conditional Pardon


Certificate of Freedom

Date: 30/11/1870
Location: Perth, WA.

British Details

Relationship Status: Single
Number of Children:
Occupation: Labourer/Seaman
Literacy: Semi-Literate
Religion: Protestant
Place of Conviction: Nether Knutsford, England.
Details of Crime: Larceny. Noted Previous Conviction. Sentenced to 7 years Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Fremantle, Northam, Perth, Toodyay, Vasse,
Employment Types: General Servant, Labourer, Wood Cutter.

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


Absconding from Colony to Bombay, India.
2 years, first 6 months in Irons. Sent to Fremantle Prison on 14/03/1867. T/L - 26/03/1868 Newcastle.

Additional Information

Refer Perth Gazette - 16/09/1865. GREENWOOD was arrested in Bombay, India, after having previously escaped from Quindalup Saw Mill Station in March 1965. He was returned to Fremantle Gaol on 10/11/1865 as a Captured Offender. Please Refer Convict Biography " Three Convict Escapees to India " by Irma WALTER - on website Harvey History Online. Went to Calcutta, India on 25/04/1871.
