Personal Details

Name: ELLERTON, Thomas
Convict Number(s): 277/1438
Year of Birth: 1828
Date of Death: 11/07/1899
Place of Death: Dardanup, WA.
Cause of Death:

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: Mermaid
Ship Arrival Year: 1851

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 12/01/1853

Conditional Pardon

Date: 07/02/1857 - Expired 18/07/1864

Certificate of Freedom

Date: 23/09/1869
Location: Bunbury, WA.

British Details

Relationship Status: Single
Number of Children:
Occupation: Factory & General Labourer, Quarryman
Literacy: Literate
Religion: Protestant
Place of Conviction: Stafford, England.
Details of Crime: Highway Robbery. Sentenced to 15 years Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Blackwood, Bunbury, Busselton, Collie, Dardanup, Geraldton, Vasse.
Employment Types: Quarryman, Labourer, Storeman, Sawyer, Boarding House Keeper.

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


Stealing 8 bottles of brandy.
3 Months.- Issued Second Ticket of Leave on 24/09/1869.

Additional Information

Employed 7 Ticket of Leave Men from 1853- 1871 at Blackwood. Boarding House Keeper Bunbury in 1877, Sawyer at Collie Sawmills 1879- 1884- ( ALM ), Storeman at Busselton from 1886- 1887 - ALM. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Employed by Hon. Henry Whittal VENN at Dardanup. Refer Southern Times and Bunbury Herald dated 13/07/1899. Buried Church of England Cemetery, Bunbury on 12/07/1899. Please refer to Convict Biography by Irma WALTER on website - Harvey History Online.
