Personal Details

Name: COLLINS, Joseph
Convict Number(s): 6554
Year of Birth: 1829
Date of Death: 27/09/1913
Place of Death: Old Mens Home , Claremont, WA.
Cause of Death:

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: York
Ship Arrival Year: 1862

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 11/10/1863

Conditional Pardon


Certificate of Freedom

Date: 15/10/1872
Location: Fremantle, WA.

British Details

Relationship Status: Single
Number of Children:
Occupation: Labourer/Soldier
Literacy: Semi-Literate
Religion: Roman Catholic
Place of Conviction: Barbados, West Indies.
Details of Crime: Court Martial - Striking his Superior Officer. Sentenced to 7 years Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Bunbury, Fremantle, Swan, Toodyay,Victoria Plains, Wellington.
Employment Types: Labourer.

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


Additional Information

Enlisted in 21st ( Royal North British Fusiliers ) Regiment ( Service Number 3292 ) as Private in 1854. Served in the Crimean War & Kinbourn Campaigns from 08/1854 until 06/1856. Service then followed in Malta and Barbados, West Indies. Following his Court Martial Conviction, he was to spend almost 18 months in Millbank, Pentonville and Chatham Prisons, prior to transportation to Australia. Employed by N. DELLAR of Bunbury/Wellington in 1863 as a Labourer. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Admitted to Lunatic Asylum from 1867-1872. On 21/11/1874 transferred to Mt Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, WA.
