Personal Details

Name: BROWN, William
Alias: BOWEN, Hartley, BOWEN, John Hartley
Convict Number(s): 9097/10269
Year of Birth: 1836
Date of Death: 1904
Place of Death: Waael,near NORTHAM, WA.
Cause of Death: Natural Causes.

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: Corona
Ship Arrival Year: 1866

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 23/03/1868

Conditional Pardon

Date: Conditional Release - 06/1883.

Certificate of Freedom

Date: 10/05/1871
Location: Albany, WA.

British Details

Relationship Status: Single
Number of Children:
Occupation: Stone Cutter
Literacy: Semi-Literate
Religion: Protestant
Place of Conviction: Clerkenwell, England.
Details of Crime: Receiving Stolen Goods. Noted Previous Conviction. Sentenced to 7 years Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Albany, Kojonup, Moore River, Perth, Plantagenet.
Employment Types: General Servant, Labourer, Shepherd, Gardener, Builder, Brick Layer..

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


Stealing Money
5 years . - Noted Married with 4 Children, Builder.

Additional Information

Employed by W. McDONNELL of Kojonup/Plantagenet in 1868 as a General Servant. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Employed by S. DROVE of " Mingebellup "Plantagenet/Albany from 09/1868- 12/1868 as a General Servant. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Worked as a Gardener in mid 1869 & Shepherd in the Albany/Plantagenet Districts in the 1870's. Employed as a Labourer in 1879. Worked as a Bricklayer in Perth from 1884-1889 ( Almanac ), and erected Buildings in Moore River when employed by H. De BURGH in 1887. ( Refer WABI Cards ).Worked as Will BROWN for A.R. MacSORLEY at Cardyup, Plantagenet in 1869 as a General Servant. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Married Eliza DAWSON, Perth, 1877. Son Henry Edward born 1878. Refer Convict Biography by Irma WALTER on Harvey History Online website.
