Personal Details

Name: KENNY, John
Convict Number(s): 7472
Year of Birth: 1835
Date of Death: 09/05/1894
Place of Death: Mt Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, WA.
Cause of Death: Bronchitis.

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: Lord Dalhousie
Ship Arrival Year: 1863

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 01/07/1866

Conditional Pardon

Date: 30/05/1873
Location: Perth, WA.

Certificate of Freedom


British Details

Relationship Status: Married
Number of Children: 2
Occupation: Ostler/Labourer/Servant/Soldier
Literacy: Semi-Literate
Religion: Roman Catholic
Place of Conviction: Halifax, Canada.
Details of Crime: Court Martial - Advising Soldiers to Desert and holding meetings to form a plan for soldiers to desert. Sentenced to Life Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Bunbury, Perth, Swan.
Employment Types: General Servant. ( Worked for Messrs. HAY in Bunbury, WA, from 08/07/1869 after having worked in Perth, WA, from 30/06/1866 ).

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


Additional Information

Enlisted in 63rd ( West Suffolk ) Regiment, Service No. 3539 as Private on 21/04/1854. Served in the Crimean War Campaign and in Canada. Promoted to rank of Corporal in 1861. Following Court Martial in 05/1861, he was held at Halifax for two months then spent more than two years incarcerated in Millbank, Pentonville, Chatham and Portsmouth Prisons, prior to Transportation to Australia. Married Mary JENKINS at St Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Perth, WA, on 17/02/1867. Refer Daily News of 28/06/1894, Enquirer & Commercial News of 29/06/1894.
