Personal Details

Name: GARNER, James
Alias: McKELVIE, James
Convict Number(s): 6304
Year of Birth: 1833
Date of Death: 14/10/1869
Place of Death: Perth Gaol, WA.
Cause of Death: Hanging- Attempted Murder of Thomas DAVIS ( 3685 ).

Arrival Details

Ship Arrived on: Norwood
Ship Arrival Year: 1862

Tickets and Pardons

Ticket of Leave

Date: 18/01/1863

Conditional Pardon


Certificate of Freedom

Date: 09/05/1868
Location: Bunbury, WA.

British Details

Relationship Status: Married
Number of Children:
Occupation: Cook
Literacy: Semi-Literate
Religion: Roman Catholic
Place of Conviction: Salford, England.
Details of Crime: Larceny. Noted Previous Conviction. Sentenced to 8 years Transportation.

Western Australia Work Details

Western Australia Work Locations: Blackwood, Bunbury, Capel River, Murray, Preston, Vasse, Wellington.
Employment Types: Labourer, Cook, General Servant.

Western Australian Re-Convictions


Details of Crime


1863, Fremantle.
Stealing clothes
6 months

Additional Information

Had spent two periods of admittance to the Lunatic Asylum during 1862. Employed by R. HESTER of Blackwood/Wellington from 25/02/1864 as a Labourer. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Employed a Ticket of Leave Man at Preston in 1866. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Employed by John MOLLOY of Bunbury/Wellington from 12/02/1866 as a Cook. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Employed by Charles WILLIAMS of Bunbury/Wellington from 21/05/1866 as a Labourer. ( Refer WABI Cards ). Employed by Charles PROPERJOHN at Capel River as a Shepherd from 1868-1869. Please refer to Harvey History Online website for Convict Biography by Irma WALTER.
